Phase 1 Construction

Phase 1 is Complete!

Thanks to donors to the Campaign for Astoria Hot Springs and Park and our partners at The Trust for Public Land, Astoria’s first phase of construction is complete, and the hot springs are open.

Our partnership with The Trust for Public Land to complete The Campaign for Astoria Hot Springs and Park engaged hundreds of donors and supported the protection of the 97-acre property, community design for the new park and hot springs, and construction of the hot springs and facilities.  We are grateful for The Trust for Public Land’s financial investment as a lead campaign donor, their leadership during the course of this project, and the incredible gift of the Astoria property to Astoria Park Conservancy in early 2020.

Phase 2 will see the completion of the full Astoria Park – more information to come in 2022.

Phase 1 Construction News


Astoria Park Conservancy

Astoria Park Conservancy's mission is to connect our community through inspiring experiences in nature that improve livability, health, and wellbeing. Astoria is a non-profit, donor funded park, stewarded by Astoria Park Conservancy. Astoria's nearly 100 acres include critical wildlife habitat and wetlands, a commercial public hot springs facility, and, once completed, trails, community gathering places, and much more. Our vision is that time spent at Astoria will foster healthier and happier individuals and a more broadly connected community.

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