Restorative Waters + Wellness Programs
Hot Springs Wellness
Astoria’s naturally-fed soaking pools are rich with 6+ unique mineral compounds that aid us in healing our minds and bodies. Here’s our guide on how to mindfully and healthily experience Astoria’s waters in a way that promotes personal and community wellness.

Upcoming Wellness Events
2025 Wellness Events List – Download PDF.
Astoria Winter Wellness Retreat
February, 23In the Cabin
Astoria Winter Wellness Retreat Sunday, February 23rd Reset and refresh at Astoria’s one-of-a-kind wellness retreats. Dive deep into your physical and emotional health through relaxation, connection, movement, and education. Connect...
Learn MoreMorning Meditation Soak
March, 02Location: In the Pool
Morning Meditation Soak Register Today Join Astoria Park Conservancy for monthly morning meditations within the soaking pools at Astoria. Rooted Mind will facilitate a morning meditation while soaking in the...
Learn MoreYoga Flow and Crystal Sound Bath
March, 16In the Cabin
Yoga + Sound + Soak at Astoria Hot Springs facilitated by Medicine Wheel Wellness Register Today Experience an all-inclusive wellness practice greeting the morning’s energy with breathwork and intention setting...
Learn MoreExplore our Mineral Rich Waters
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It has been linked to alleviating stress and depression, as well as high blood sugar and bone, skin and muscle deficiencies.
Sulfur plays an important role in our bodies – soaking in this element can relieve muscle soreness, along with skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis and dandruff.
Of all the essential minerals found in your body, calcium is the most abundant. It can contribute to normal bone strength, muscle function, blood clotting, and digestive enzyme function.

Short 5 minute soaks with breaks will:
- Improve immune system function
- Increase metabolism
- Improve healing
- Relieve pain.

Longer 20 minute soaks will:
- Relax muscles
- Improve stress and mood
- Absorb minerals

Take a Cold Plunge!
Astoria’s Cold Plunge sits at right around 53 degrees, giving visitors brave enough to take the plunge a plethora of health benefits. In particular, alternating between hot and short cold soaks have been found to increase circulation, reduce inflammation in muscles, and assist the body in healing damaged tissue. Plus, visitors may notice an elevated heart rate, adrenaline, and the release of endorphins, which could ease pain and lighten mood.
Cold immersion does not come without its risks. To learn more about these risks, the Conservancy recommends consulting with your physician to learn if the Cold Plunge is the right experience for you.
Follow with a warm soak for full benefits!
Soak in Nature
Wellness Partners
The study of mineral waters is a growing field across the world. For more information about the benefit of mineral hot springs, check out The Balneology Association of North America. Astoria will continue to study the mineral make up of our hot springs, as well as the benefits of soaking.