Coombs Outdoors at Astoria
Coombs Program Impact
“After a fun experience in the pool, the participants to feel a sense of comfort and care for Astoria. [Through our service project] we were all able to see how our hands helped Astoria get one step closer to be a beautiful park for all to enjoy.”
– Hannah Martinelli, Coombs Counselor

Invasive Species Removal Service Project
“Astoria is a fantastic location for engaging and educating the public about wildlife habitat. The variety of habitats in a concentrated area really expands the number of species program participants can see and learn about. There are also a ton of opportunities to learn about invasive plant species and what each of us can do to keep invasives at bay so native vegetation and wildlife can thrive! Having Astoria Park Conservancy staff on hand to share historical knowledge and to team up on service projects multiplies program impact.”
-Morgan Graham, Teton Conservation District, Service Project Partner