Latinxhikers Event

“Astoria provided a wonderful safe space and venue for us to express our joy and grow in community. Astoria recognizes the importance of affinity spaces, spaces in which we can relax and just be ourselves without having to worry about being judged or misunderstood. We had a wonderful time soaking, speaking spanish, and listening to salsa music all night.
Hot springs are a universal thing. I have fond memories of soaking at hot springs in my home country of Ecuador. A few other participants shared similar experiences of soaking in Colombia, Mexico, Chile, and more. Hot springs connect us all and make us feel a little more at home. This is important to a lot of us who live so far from home.
Astoria is trying to create safe spaces for Latinx people, which is what we are trying to do as well. Together we can help redefine who belongs in the outdoors and create room for more cultures.”
– Luz Lituma, Latinx Hikers founder